
Depending on the needs of your organisation, four alternative services can be offered, each with its own advantages:

  1. Key-note Presentation
  2. Greenleaf Café
  3. Away Day - Team Building
  4. Personal Development Programme

Key-note Presentation

Participants are introduced to the concept of Servant-Leadership by means of a presentation. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session, allowing further clarification and understanding of Servant-Leadership in general.

  • Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour
  • Number of participants: unlimited


  • Presentation by Greenleaf Center
  • Q&A session moderated by Greenleaf Center

Greenleaf Café

After a short introductory presentation, participants are asked to discuss among themselves the key characteristics of Servant-Leaders in their own environment. With the help of the facilitators, they will also reflect on how they could foster Servant-Leadership in their organisation and what concrete steps they will take to become Servant-Leaders.

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Number of participants: depends on the size of the venue available as there are group conversations foreseen in sub-groups of 5-6 people


  • Presentation by Greenleaf Center
  • Group conversations in World Café setting facilitated by Greenleaf Center
  • Report on workshop outcomes by Greenleaf Center
  • Personal action plan (optional)

Away Day - Team Building

The Away Day offers a unique opportunity for organisations to offer personal development and team cooperation through the Servant-Leadership concept. We offer Away Days for those organisations that do not look for playing paintball nor the classic strategy navelgasing, but like to strengten leadership capabilities and team cooperation in a playful manner. Although designed to bring in lightness and fun, all the excercises serve the purpose of fostering real dialogue and deep personal and group learning. The whole day will be run in a participatory way, involving every participant, in order to ensure meeting the requirements and needs of all team members. Colleagues will be invited to step a little bit outside their comfort zones in a safe environment. We will design a tailor-made programme based on organisational needs.

  • Duration: half-day or full day
  • Number of participants: max 50


  • Course material for participants by Greenleaf Center
  • Interactive sessions facilitated by Greenleaf Center
  • Personal mission statements by participants
  • Report on programme outcomes by Greenleaf Center

Personal Development Programme

This approach allows for the deepest understanding, personal analysis and practice of Servant-Leadership where the participants are followed up over a series of three workshops. At the first workshop, the Servant-Leadership concept is discussed in detail and after relfecting on their career so far, participants are made familiar with the personal mission statement which they are invited to fill out for the second session. Two weeks later the personal mission statements are reviewed and discussed, and participants arrive to a list of actions on how to put Servant-Leadership in practice. A final workshop is organised 1.5 months later where participants can discuss their experience, lessons learned and way ahead. 

  • Duration: three half-days over 2 months
  • Number of participants: max 12


  • Course material for participants by Greenleaf Center
  • Three half-day workshops facilitated by Greenleaf Center
  • Personal mission statements by participants
  • Report on programme outcomes by Greenleaf Center